To Give Online please click on the eGIVE link below and follow the directions to either give a one-time gift or to register an account to give recurring gifts. (This can be set up to be done weekly, Bi-weekly, monthly, or even yearly)
This is a safe, secure, & private way to give. This will not cost the giver any extra to do online giving option. NAC will be paying the .20 per transaction fee.
There are a number of active “funds” to which you can contribute (either online or at the church on Sunday during the offering).
- Our General fund pays for our local outreaches, our staff, utilities, discipleship, etc.
- Our Missions fund looks beyond NAC to the whole world – and supports mission works all over the world for Jesus to be shared!
- Our Growth fund provides for future building expansion and much needed updates as we see needed
- Our Building fund helps us develop and maintain our current properties and buildings.
- Our Benevolent fund helps us as a church family come alongside of and help those who are facing tough times due to hardships, emergencies or losses they may be walking through.
- Our Children's fund provides for the ministry needs and purchases for children Pre-K through 5th grade.
- Our Youth fund provides for the ministry needs and purchases for students 6th through 12th grade